Eddie Capparucci is passionate about educating men on:
“Avoiding the Pitfalls the Crush Your Sexual Integrity”
Far too many men have come to understand the hard way how lust can ruin careers, marriages, families, friendship, and ministries. I have worked with many men who have crashed and burned because they could not control their lust. These are good men. These are men who never thought it would happen to them. But they were wrong. It can happen to anyone. And because of that men MUST learn to be prepared and alert to the pitfalls that can crush their sexual integrity.
In this talk, Eddie:
- Dismantles the myth “there is nothing wrong about pornography”
- Demonstrates how if left unchecked, porn can lead to more reckless behaviors
- Shows the harm porn causes individuals, relationships, and society
- Teaches steps men can take to ensure they do not fall victim to their lust
Other topics Eddie speaks about are:
- Sexual Addiction Recovery
- Pornography Addiction Recovery
- Teaching Men to Help Their Wives Heal From Their Betrayal
- How to Honor Our Wives and God
- Becoming Godly Men
- The Problem of Christian Shame
- Why We Struggle to Feel God’s Love
- How the Inner Child Impacts our Emotions, Thoughts and Behaviors
Georgia Christian Counselors Association’s annual conference
Trinity Baptist College
Working in the Cesspool
Eddie Presenting 2 GCCA
You can reach Eddie at 404-788-0002 or edcappa@gmail.com for more information