Enslaved to Sin or Enslaved to God?
By Eddie Capparucci, Ph.D., LPC, CSAS, CPCS
Jack sat in my office crying. His 3-year marriage was falling apart as his wife threatened to file for divorce due to his continuous pornography addiction. “I can’t believe I am so close to losing the woman I love,” he told me. “But trying to stop looking at pornography is so difficult. I have no control over it.”
Jack was correct in recognizing that breaking an addiction to pornography is not easy. However, it was incorrect when he said, “I have no control over it”. Each time Jack views pornography he decides to remain enslaved to sin. He decides his need for self-centered pleasure is more important than his relationship with his wife or God.
For Jack to win his battle against pornography he needs to make a radical decision to stop being enslaved to sin and instead become enslaved to God. What does being enslaved to God look like? It will require Jack each day pick up his cross and die for Jesus. As you know, a person who carried a cross during Roman rule had a destination with death. By dying Jack will begin the process of shedding his sinful scales one by one and replacing them with a Spiritual mindset. What does a Spiritual mindset look like?
“…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Gal. 5:22-23
With a Spiritual mindset Jack will learn to sacrifice and turn away from destructive worldly pleasures that are accepted by today’s society. Each day, he will shed away his ugly scales by saying no to temptation and instead be renewed by the Holy Spirit that dwells within him. He will be blessed by listening and be guided by the voice of truth. Through this process Jack will come to understand he is no controlled by sin but instead he is now enslaved to God. And with that comes one of God’s greatest promises.
“The mind of the sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.”
Rom. 8:6
There will be several aspects to Jack’s treatment regimen including medication, group therapy and looking within to determine why he uses pornography to stimulate himself when he is feeling emotionally depleted. But nothing is more critical to his recovery than making a conscious decision to become enslaved to God.
What about you? If you are struggling with sin, it’s time to break its bonds of slavery and instead become enslaved to God.
Suggested reading: Romans 8
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